Events & Workshops
Watch previous webinars:
Feminist Philanthropy’s Response To Crisis: Leading With Trust, Care And Flexibility
An engaging discussion on how feminist funding is transforming philanthropic practice to meet movements’ needs during unprecedented challenges.
Seizing the Moment to Norm Multiyear, Flexible Funding: A Conversation on Obstacles and Accelerators
A conversation-style webinar organised by EDGE Funders and Ariadne with Katie Milway from MilwayPlus, Tania Turner from Fondo Semillas, Shireen Zaman from Ford Foundation and Rosalie Nezien from Foundation for a Just Society & Bakyono Ezoma Juliette Nathalie from their grantee partner Initiative Pananetugri pour le Bien Etre de la Femme to examine barriers and accelerators to multiyear, flexible grantmaking.
From Research to Action: Indirect Costs and Financial Resilience
In this webinar organized by EDGE Funders and Ariadne, we invited Katie Skartvedt from Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, Moulaye Camara from Humentum and Nasim Losai & Ayubu Masaki from The Foundation for Civil Society, to delve into a case study of funders and CSO’s implementing research on indirect cost coverage to work together towards financial resilience.
Flexible Funding for Non-Profits: Is this the future?
Many non-profits struggle as the majority of funding they receive are grants restricted to specific and predefined projects.
An interview with Debora Guidetti, Senior European Programme Manager at Ariadne and Adriana Crãciun, Senior Adviser for Organisational Development and Capacity Building at the Oak Foundation that offers insights on flexible funding practices.