Practices to Fund Real Change
The goal of this page is to offer an array of practices that can help combat the nonprofit starvation cycle without advocating for the adoption of one uniform solution for the whole field.
About these practices:
Most of the resources and information provided is on two particular practices: more indirect cost recovery and multi-year flexible funding.
However, other practices are offered beyond these two to have a better sense of the full arc of practices that can help move the philanthropic field’s commitment to improve nonprofit organizations’ sustainability.
Click a practice below to learn more:
Change does not come in one-size-fits-all.
When it comes to ensuring funding enables real change and supporting the end of the nonprofit starvation cycle, each funder can adopt a practice that pushes them a bit further towards this common goal. You are best positioned to figure out which change you would like to make and which of the practices below best suit your needs.
Creating deep change:
It is important to note that funding real change is not only about grantmaking practices. Shifting power dynamics and developing deep, real and trusting relationships with grantee partners is central to creating deep change.