Blogs, articles, features and collaborations
Feel free to use the content of this site to inform your own advocacy. Below is a sample blog post and more about the project. You are welcome to cross-post any of our 6 case studies as well. If you are interested in collaborating on content, reach out to us.
Social Media
We invite you to explore the posts below posted on Twitter and LinkedIn as part of our #flexiblefundingworks campaign. Feel free to download and freely share any posts that resonate with you!
Twitter: @EDGEFunders @AriadneNetwork
#Philanthropy #StarvationCycle #FlexibleFundingWorks #IndirectCosts
Posts on the 6 case studies featuring funders and grantee partners on their journey to flexible funding
Posts on the Experiences of Civil Society Organizations and Feminist Funds
Posts on the Barriers to Multi-year Flexible Funding
Posts on the Accelerators of Multi-year Flexible Funding
Posts on the Starvation Cycle and the need for flexible funding